Mikami Revolving Sushi San Diego

Newly opened in the same Clairemont Mesa Boulevard mall, Mikami Kaiten-sushi 回転寿司 spans a whopping 6,000-square-feet of restaurant and bar space with a large glassed-in kitchen dedicated to kaiten-sushi, a convenient and affordable Japanese style of dining that sends plates of sushi on a circuitous conveyor belt route, winding past customers seated in each booth.

Currently open for lunch and dinner, Mikami prices all of its kaiten-sushi at only $2.80 per plate. Guests can pull plates off the conveyor belt or order directly from a tablet installed at each table. The Kearny Mesa restaurant also features a separate bar and dining area pouring beer, wine, sake, and plum wine; it will eventually offer an eclectic menu that ranges from Cajun seafood buckets to yakitori, fried rice, sushi rolls, and salt and pepper chicken wings.

  • Fresh & Affordable
  • Lots of Variations to Choose from
  • No wait time at the door
  • Spacious & Modern
  • Great Parking

Other then sushi & nigiri, Mikami also serve seafood platters, appetizers, skewers, soups, entrees, whole sushi rolls (5 pieces), etc.

Mikami Revolving Sushi san diego

  • 7319 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92111
  • mikamisd.com
  • (858) 278-2166

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