旅美科協聖地牙哥分會年會隆重召開,預定您的位置,與南加州高科技領域精英們相聚高通!本屆CAST-SD 年會暨南加高新技術峰會主題聚焦於前沿技術的應用,轉化與展望。會議特邀嘉賓包括南加州知名教授,成功創業創新公司負責人,中美著名企業高管,資深投資人,旅美留學人才。精彩演講涵蓋生物醫療,醫療應用,人工智能技術,投資人視角看半導體行業。創業熱點訪談,來自阿裡巴巴等企業高管談中美職場區別,求職就業指南等等……眾多精彩內容等待你來發現~~
- 時間:2/25 8-4:30pm
- 地點:Qualcomm Building Q Auditorium(10185 Mckellar ct, san diego ca 92121)
- ticket: sofunsd.com/cast
Guest Speakers
Yuhwa Lo received his PhD in electrical engineering and computer science from UC Berkeley. He was a member of technical staff at Bellcore from 1988-1990, an assistant and then associate professor at Cornell University between 1991 and 1998, and a professor of the ECE Department of UCSD since 1999. Professor Lo also serves as the director of the San Diego Nanotechnology Infrastructure (SDNI), one of 16 NSF funded national nanotechnology sites. His group maintains a broad interest in several research areas, including biomedical devices, lab-on-a-chip, point-of-care systems, single-cell technologies, biophotoncs, single-photon detectors, and nanophotonics. Dr. Lo has co-founded NanoCellect and several other companies in biomedical devices and semiconductor optoelectronics, and is currently serving the advisory board of companies in the areas of biomedical instrument, medical devices, in-vitro diagnosis, next generation sequencing, and biosensors. He has published over 450 peer-reviewed scientific papers, and (co)authored and edited 10 books. He was awarded 36 patents with over 30 applications pending. His inventions in medical devices, microfluidics, semiconductor materials and optoelectronic devices have been commercialized by many companies over the years, including the wafer bonding process for high brightness LEDs that have resulted in sales of over $4B. Dr. Lo is a fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Mr. Ullrich brings over 25 years of software, web-applications, and mobile 中国旅美科技协会圣地亚哥分会 Chinese Association for Science and Technology, San Diego (CAST-SD)
applications leadership to Humetrix, with deep experience in Lean Start-Ups and Agile Methodologies. Having worked in a variety of industries (including military, healthcare, financial services, and media & entertainment) at both early-stage and mature-stage companies – including two successful M&A exits, Mr. Ullrich brings high-level management skills and a variety of experience to Humetrix, and has been part of the leadership team over the last five years that brought the award-winning Humetrix mobile health apps to market.
Prof Hao Su received his Ph.D from Stanford University and has been in UC San Diego as Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering since July 2017. He is affiliated with the Contextual Robotics Institute and Center for Visual Computing. He served on the program committee of multiple conferences and workshops on computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning. He is the Program Chair of 3DV’17, Publication Chair of DV’16, and chair of various workshops at CVPR, ECCV, and ICCV. He is also invited as keynote speakers at workshops and tutorials in NIPS, 3DV and CVPR, S3PM, etc.
Dr. Chunchen Liu received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. He holds a PhD in EE from UCLA and a MSEE from UCSD co-pai with UC Berkeley. Dr. Liu was a recipient of the 2007 IBM problem solving award based on the use of the EIP tool suite. Two of his papers were also nominated as the Best Paper Award candidates at the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design in 2007 and IEEE International Conf. on Compute Design in 2008. From 2007 to 2010, Mr. Liu also served the test automation technology consular of the primary founder for Wireless Infotech, San 中国旅美科技协会圣地亚哥分会 Chinese Association for Science and Technology, San Diego (CAST-SD) – 8 – Diego which was acquired by VanceInfor and IPO (NYSE:VIT) in 2008. He was division head technical deputy manager at Mstar, in the Touch chip panel, video/audio application division. And work in R& D research team in Samsung from 2010-2012, Qualcomm from 2012- 2016. He is the author of 20 US patents and 30+ papers in top conferences and journals. He is also TIC PI of IAPRA (office of the director of national intelligence) and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) projects with Bell lab. Dr. Liu is founder and CEO of Kneron.
Started up from ground zero, Chang and his team now have two global leading manufacturers in circuit protection industry. Today AEM, Inc. has dominate market share in high-rel and aerospace industry, and AEM Components has over 30% market share for chip fuses worldwide, known as “SolidMatrix” and “AirMatrix” fuses. Phenomenal growth since its inception earned AEM the distinction of being listed three times on the Inc. 500 list of “America Fastest-Growing Private Companies” in 1994, 1995 and 1997 respectively.
Dr. Wayne Huang received BS from Tsinghua University and PhD from Columbia University. He was founding executive of Motorola Asia Mobile Phone Division and created world first successful mobile data platform in China, Unicode based SMS (12 years before the 2nd mobile data platform Wechat). He co-founded an IOT wireless module company in San Diego with products sold to Lucent and China Unicom. After his company got acquired, he has been with venture firms: ChinaEquity which invested in San Diego/Beijing JV company Chinacast (IPOed in 4 years); then Ventana Capital (Invested in San Diego Bluetooth company, acquired by Broadcom in 3 years); and now with Hua Capital covering US growth stage VC and M&A cases (Acquisition of NASDAQ OVTI and ISSI). Leveraging his domain expertise in product definition and US/China market positioning, he also spent time supporting local entrepreneurs as advisor or seasonal executives for CEOs of Maxlinear (NYSE: MXL), Entropic (NASDAQ: ENTR), and Peregrine (NASDAQ: PSMI) in must-win China market competition before IPO.
Mr. Lixin Xu is the executive chairman of GIMDx, Inc., a Carlsbad, California based biotech company, which is a subsidiary of Guangzhou Improve Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd. He is vice president of the parent company and Managing Director of ImproveX, an Improve Medical owned start-up Incubator. He has more than 20 years’ experience of R & D management of medical device. He served Johnson & Johnson, Philips Medical and HP/Agilent Medical from 1994-2010 before joining Improve Medical. He has completed more than 10 new product development projects, and presided over a series of investments in over 20 start-ups. He co-founded HiMed Angel Fund Management Co., Ltd. Mr. Xu received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electronics Engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University and EMBA degree from China Europe International Business School.
Dr. Liang Jin has received his Ph.D. from UCSD in Physics and pioneered the use of CMOS image sensors in electron microscopy. It laid the foundation for the resolution revolution in cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and helped cryo-EM won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. After successfully commercializing the electron detection technology (winning 2010 Microscopy Today Innovation Award), he has recently joined BOE Ventures focusing on investment in sensor technology related to consumer electronics, display, healthcare services and IoT.
Dr. Wu studied ultrasonic imaging from 1999 through 2005 at the University of Rochester. The shear wave interference method is widely adapted by the industry till now. He was awarded by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine with the New Investigator Award in 2004. From 2005 through 2010, Dr. Wu served General Electric as an ultrasound systems engineer. During that time, he designed LogiqE9 scanner, which is GE’s flagship ultrasound unit. From 2010 through 2013, Dr. Wu has been an assistant professor at the University of California at San Diego. He is also in charge of the ultrasound molecular imaging lab at the Moors cancer center in San Diego. In 2015, Dr. Wu was recognized as one of the Top Talent by the National 1000plan. He founded Lonshine Technology in Suzhou, China. This company developed China’s first palm size ultrasound scanner, mSonics. mSonics is currently approved by the Chinese FDA and it is in clinical sales. It is particularly useful for the family doctors in the rural areas.
Dr. Danfeng Li is currently a director of Alibaba group, and the Chief Data Officer of Umeng+, a company fully owned by Alibaba. Umeng+ provides analytic tools for web and app developers. It helps more than 1.45 million apps and over 7 million websites monitor and management their data. Dr. Li oversees company’s data strategy and leads the innovation based on the huge data Umeng+ collected. In 2017, he initiated the internet finance product line, which generated more than $10million in revenue within one year. Before he joined Alibaba, Dr. Li was a principal development lead at Microsoft. He also worked at Opera Solutions, Yahoo and Fico. Dr. Li graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign with Ph.D in ECE.
Dr. Rong Yan is currently the Senior Engineering Director of Product Engineering in Snap Inc. His team is responsible for developing and maintaining the core product features for Snapchat, which is one of the most popular mobile applications in the world. Before joining Snap, he was the Director of Data Science and Infrastructure in Square Inc. from 2013 to 2014, an engineering manager for the Ads Relevance & Quality team in Facebook from 2009 to 2013, responsible for optimizing delivery performance for all Facebook ad products, and a Research Staff Member in the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center from 2006 to 2009. Dr. Yan received his M.Sc. (2004) and Ph.D. (2006) degree from Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science. His research interests include large-scale machine learning, data mining, social media, multimedia information retrieval and computer vision.
Dr. Sheng Ye received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of California at San Diego and a B.S. in physics from Beijing University. He co-founded MaxLinear Inc. in 2003, where he is currently a director in RF and mixed signal IC design group. His research interests include signal processing and RF/mixed signal IC design for communication systems.
- 08:00 AM – 09:00 AM Registration & Networking
- 09:00 AM – 09:15 AM Opening Remarks. CAST-SD President Dr. Xiaoyan Huang
Session 1: Frontier Technology & Keynote Speech[Host: Dr. Haigang Chen (CAST-SD, Chairman of BOD)]
- 09:30 AM – 10:00 AM
- Dr. Yu-Hwa Lo. Professor, UCSD.
- Talk: Commercialization of microfluidic lab-on-chip technologies
for biomedicine.
- 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
- Mr. Randy Ullrich. Senior Vice President, Humetrix.
- Talk: Transforming Healthcare Globally with Consumer Facing
- Talk: Transforming Healthcare Globally with Consumer Facing
- Mr. Randy Ullrich. Senior Vice President, Humetrix.
- 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM
- Dr. Hao Su. Assistant Professor, UCSD.
- Talk: 3D Deep Learning with Applications in Autonomous Driving.
- 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
- Dr. Chunchen Liu. CEO, Kneron.
- Talk: Neural Processing Unit- The core of AI chips.
- 11:30 AM – 11:40 AM
- Lucky Draw and Group Picture
- 11:40 AM – 12:40 PM
- Lunch & Networking
Session 2: Entrepreneurship Panel[Host: Zhe Mei (CAST-SD VP)]
- 12:50 PM – 01:00 PM
- Get to know Deloitte:
- Hiral Shah, Audit & Assurance Managing Director
- Xiaoran (Sharon) Lu, Audit & Assurance Senior Manager
- 01:00 PM – 01:30 PM
- Dr. Wayne Huang. Partner, Hua Capital.
- Talk: San Diego Startup DNA.
- 01:30 PM – 03:00 PM
- Panel discussion: Opportunity and Challenge of Startups in San
Diego - Mr. Daniel H. Chang. Founder and CEO of AEM.
- Dr. Wayne Huang. Partner, Hua Capital.
- Dr. Jin Liang. Investment Director, BOE Ventures.
- Mr.Lixin Xu. VP of Guangzhou Improve Medical Instruments.
- Dr. Zhe Wu. Founder and CEO of Lonshine Technology.
- Panel discussion: Opportunity and Challenge of Startups in San
- 03:00 PM – 03:20 PM Break
Session 3: Career Development Panel[Host: Qinlin Luo (CAST-SD VP)]
- 03:20 PM – 04:30 PM
- Dr. Danfeng Li,Director of Alibaba & Umeng + CDO.
- Dr. Rong YanSr. Engineering Director of Snap Inc.
- Dr. Sheng Ye,Cofounder, Director of Maxlinear.
- 04:30 PM – 04:40 PM Lucky Draw and Closing Remarks
聖地牙哥分會於2002年成立,是在美國注冊的非政治性、非贏利性的機構,是聖地牙哥最活躍和最具影響力的華人協會之一。現有會員主要來自高科技企業的技術骨干、高管,創業公司精英及在校研究生。 聖地牙哥分會成立的十四年中, 促進中美之間的技術合作,增進了會員之間的專業交流,為會員提供了成長,發展,創業的機會與平台。協會多次組織了會員回國考察,並接待了從國內各個地方代表團。為會員在中國推薦機會,把中國的商機引入聖地牙哥。
中國旅美科技協會(簡稱旅美科協)是1992 年在紐約成立的非政治性、非盈利性的民間團體。旅美科協的三大宗旨是:促進中美之間文化、科技、教育、經貿等領域的交流與合作,弘揚中國傳統文化、促進中美兩國人民的相互了解,加強旅美學人、華人專業人士之間的團結、合作與交流。