聖地牙哥知名Tea Garden,打造全新「川味香鍋」浴火重生!

聖地牙哥「川味香鍋」來囉! 聖地牙哥知名台式老店Tea Garden於本月起打造全新菜色,加入四川風味香鍋鳳凰涅槃,此舉震撼Convoy Street。 雖然菜單全然換新,可是喜愛Tea Garden飲料的老顧客們別擔心!Tea Garden依然保留住她們家清淡爽口的飲品喔~

奔跑吧,年輕人!第八屆Del Mar Mud Run泥漿跑開跑囉! 別錯過這聖地牙哥有名的傳統!(5/13)

想體驗時下最in的泥漿跑嗎? 第八屆Del Mar Mud Run泥漿跑將於5月13日Del Mar Fairgrounds開跑啦!不管你是想挑戰自己,或是想拍下炫酷的瞬間發在朋友圈,還是想跟小伙伴一起體驗不一樣的樂趣,快快參加這次活動就對啦!

2017紅牛特技飛行競速賽 – San Diego Bay聖地牙哥站即將開始!(4/15-16)

Red Bull Air Race has arrived in San Diego! Red Bull Air Race is an international competition based on speed and precision between the top 20 precision pilots in the world. 世界上最頂級的空中競賽——紅牛特技飛行競速賽聖地牙哥站即將開始了!紅牛特技飛行世界錦標賽一直有著「空中F1」之稱,是一場由世界最頂尖飛行員奉上的純粹飛行運動競賽,完美融合了速度、驚準、膽魄與高超飛行技術。

與Vanoos Grillette一起慶祝「希臘國慶日」! Yelp4.5星473推薦~

您知道嗎?每年 三月除了有愛爾蘭的國慶日聖派翠克節(Saint Patrick’s Day)之外,希臘的國慶日也是在三月份喔! 每年3月25日是希臘的國慶日,也被稱為獨立日(1821年的這一天,希臘爆發反土耳其侵略軍的獨立戰爭,同時宣布獨立)。這次SOFUN將給讀者們(FUNsters)帶來不一樣的希臘美味,希望大家可以透過美味的食物接觸到一個新的文化~

「Mezé Greek Fusion」希臘創意餐廳, 20% off

您知道嗎?每年 三月除了有愛爾蘭的國慶日聖派翠克節(Saint Patrick’s Day)之外,希臘的國慶日也是在三月份喔! 每年3月25日是希臘的國慶日,也被稱為獨立日(1821年的這一天,希臘爆發反土耳其侵略軍的獨立戰爭,同時宣布獨立)。這次SOFUN將給讀者們(FUNsters)帶來不一樣的希臘美味,希望大家可以透過美味的食物接觸到一個新的文化~

*UPDATED 新甜點店「ICMonster」進駐Mira Mesa!這周六隆重開幕! (3/18)

Craving for artisan dessert, creamy ice cream, and ice cold refreshments? Well look no further, ICMonster got that covered! 聖地牙哥又有一家新的甜品店要開業啦!除了特色的炒 yogurt 以外,還有各種可口飲料供你選擇,盡在 ICMonster喔!

今晚台灣夜市(對外開放) at UCSD Library Walk by UTAxCSA (3/2)






今年最後一部動畫片「歡樂好聲音」”Sing“ (12/21)


10% OFF The Long Rung Sportsfishing: Embrace the sea in great company

The Long Run Sportsfishing is a San Diego saltwater fishing trip service with well over 29 years of experience. Nathan and his crew are not only knowledgeable and friendly, but will tailor each trip on the season’s bites and what you want to catch! They have excellent service and revolve around making sure you get the best experience …

10% off Aquatic Aviation: The future of Aviation Entertainment is NOW!

Aquatic Aviation Aquatic Aviation is the exclusive distributor for Zapata-Racing products in Southern California. (Which means they do stuff like this).   They’ve been in the industry ever since product hit the United States in 2011, and is the first established Flyboard Rental/Dealership Company in North America. As a leader in the Zapata-Racing field in …

45% off Paint Nite: Picasso discovers a Cocktail party

A connoisseur of cocktail and a connoisseur of painting walk into an artistic bar. The bartender looks up and says, “You two lost?” Confused, the connoisseurs ask, “What makes you think that?” “If you two are looking for a night of social drinking in the presence of a creative outlet, you’re looking for Paint Nite.” …

15% OFF 密室逃脫遊戲 | 快跟小夥伴ㄧ起來 Escape Games SD 冒險吧!SOFUN獨家15%


10% OFF Cloud 9 Yogurt House: Feel the warmth in frozen treats!

If ever there was a place that could make enjoying ice cream and frozen delights heart warming, it’s Cloud 9 Yogurt House. A family-styled ice cream, frozen yogurt, desserts, and gelato store, Cloud 9 Yogurt House owners Adrian and Jennifer put customer service back in the front seat along with their rich creamy delicious treats! …

10% OFF Square Bar Cafe: Imagine eating a healthy rainbow

Square Bar Cafe is a coffee & tea emporium that specializes not only in consumer satisfaction of artisan beverage and desserts, but provides, in an innovative fashion, products that look and taste as adorable and delicious as they appear (I MEAN LOOK AT THIS RAINBOW BAGEL). Square Bar Cafe immerses itself in an ambiance that …

The thrill is real for Escape Games in San Diego!

The thrill of an Escape Room (physical adventure game that traps its players inside a locked room where the only way to escape is to exploit their surroundings in a limited time frame) is usually attributed to the interesting puzzles, necessity to conjure teamwork on the spot, and the dwindling realization that as the clock …