- 過敏Allergy
- 健康診斷General Check-up Physical Examination
- 檢查Examination
- 住院Admission to Hospital
- 出院Discharge from Hospital
- 症狀Symptom
- 檢查Nutrition
- 病歷Clinical History
- 診斷Diagnosis
- 治療Treatment
- 預防Prevention
- 呼吸Respiration
- 通便Bowel Movement
- 糞便Stool
- 血液Blood
- 脈搏Pulse, Pulsation
- 尿Urine
- 脈搏數Pulse Rate
- 血型Blood Type
- 血壓Blood Pressure
- 麻醉Anesthesia
- 麻醉全身General Anesthesia
- 靜脈麻醉Intravenous Anesthesia
- 脊柱麻醉Spinal Anesthesia
- 局部麻醉Local Anesthesia
- 手術Operation
- 切除Resection
- 副作用Side Effect
- 洗淨Irrigation
- 注射Injection
- X透視X-Ray
- 紅外線Ultra Red-Ray
- 慢性的Chronic
- 急性的Acute
- 體格Build
- 親戚Relative
- 遺傳Heredity
- 免疫Immunity
- 血清Serum
- 流行性的Epidemic
- 潛伏期Incubation Period
- 過濾性病毒Virus
- 消毒Sterilization
- 抗生素Antibiotic
- 腦波圖EEG
- 洗腸Enema
- 結核反應Tuberculin Reaction
- 華氏Fahrenheit
- 攝氏Celsius, Centigrade
- 冰袋Ice Bag
- 藥Medicine (drug)
- 繃帶Bandage
- 膠帶Adhesive Tape
- 剪刀Scissors
- 體溫計Thermometer
- 拴劑Suppository
- 藥丸Tablet, Pill
- 舌下錠Sublingual Tablet
- 膠囊Capsules
- 軟膏Ointment
- 眼藥Eye Medicine
- 止咳藥Cough Medicine
- 阿斯匹靈Aspirin
- 止痛藥Pain Killer
- 藥方Presecription
- 發燒Fever
- 高燒Hay Fever
- 發冷Chills
- 發汗Sweats
- 盜汗Night Sweats
- 倦怠Tiredness
- 失眠Insomnia
- 肩頭髮硬Stiffness in Shoulder
- 打噴嚏Sneeze
- 打嗝Hiccup
- 發癢Itch
- 腰痛Low Back Pain
- 頭痛Headache
- 疼痛Pain (Ache)
- 急性疼痛Acute Pain
- 激痛Severe Pain
- 鈍痛Dull Pain
- 壓痛Pressing Pain
- 刺痛Sharp Pain
- 戮痛Piercing Pain
- 一跳一跳的痛 Throbbing Pain
- 針扎似的痛 Prickling Pain
- 燒痛Burning Pain
- 烈痛Tearing Pain
- 持續痛Continuous Pain
- 不舒服Uncomfortable
- 繼續痛Pain Comes at Intervals
- 絞痛Colic
- 放射痛Radiating Pain
- 潰爛痛Sore Pain
- 痙攣痛Cramp Pain
- 頑痛(持續痛)Persistent Pain
- 輕痛Slight Pain
- 血尿Blood Urine
- 膿尿Pyuria
- 粘液便Mucous Stool
- 粘土樣便Clay-colored Stool
- 驗血Blood Analysis
- 紅血球Red Cell
- 白血球White Cell
- 血小板Blood Platelet
- 呼吸數Respiration Rate
- 呼氣Expiration
- 吸氣Inspiration
- 呼吸困難Difficulty in Breathing
- 不規則脈Irregular Pulse
- 心搏徐緩Bradycardia
- 心搏急促Rapid Pulse
- 尿混濁Cloudy Urine
- 尿蛋白Albuminuria
- 糖尿Glycosuria
- 瘦Thin, Skinny
- 肥Fat
- 膽固醇Cholesterol
- 高密度脂蛋白HDL
- (High Densit Lipoprotein)
- 低密度脂蛋白LDL
- (Low Density Lipoprotein)
- 三酸甘油脂(Triglycrides)
- 檢驗血清中蛋白質總量
- 鹼性去磷含量
- (Alkaline Phosphatase)
- 膽紅素 (Bilirubin)
- 白蛋白 (Albumin)
- 球蛋白 (Globulin)
- 天門冬胺酸轉胺酸素Aspartate Transaminase, AST (SGOT) or Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (SGOT) or Alanine Transaminase, ALT (SGPT) or Serum Glutamic Pyruvic transaminase (SGPT).
- 丙麩胺酸轉胺 (Gama Glutamyl transpeptidase)
- 肝血液凝固時間
- (Prothrombin Time)
- 尿素氮 (BUN, Blood Urea Nitrogen)
- 肌氨酸 Creatine
- 尿酸 Uric Acid
- 乳酸去氨酸素Lactic dehydrogenase, LDH
- 肌酸刺激CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase)
- 鐵質 Iron
- 電解質檢驗 Electrolytes
- 鈉離子 Sodium
- 鉀離子 Potassium
- 氯離子 Chloride
- 二氧化碳 Carbon Dioxide CO2
- 攝護腺特異抗原 PSA
- (Prostae Specific Antigen)
- 四典甲狀腺素T4 (Thyroxine)
- 血糖Serum Glucose (GTT, Glucose Tolerance Test)
- 糖尿病 Diabetes
- (Complete Blood Count)
- 紅血球RBC (Red Blood Cell)
- 白血球WBC (White Blood Cell)
- 血色素Hgb (Hemoglobin)
- 紅血球在血液中所佔比率HCT (Hematocrit)
- 血小板數目Platelet Count
- 腎臟Kidney
- 腎上腺Adrenal Gland
- 膀胱Bladder
- 尿道Urethra
- 睾丸Testicles
- 陰莖Penis
- 前列腺Prostate
- 小便時疼痛 Pain on Urination
- 尿量多Polyuria
- 尿量少Ollguria
- 尿急Uninary Urgency
- 小便困難Dysuria
- 糖尿Glycosuria
- 小便失禁Urinary Incontinence
- 陽萎Impotence
- 睾丸腫大Testicle Swelling
- 腎盂Pelvis of The Kidney
- 導尿Catheterize
- 尿毒症Uremia
- 腎炎Nephritis
- 腎萎縮Nephrosis
- 腎結石Nephrolith, Rental (Stones)
- 腎盂炎Pyelonephritis
- 膀胱炎Cystitis
- 尿道炎Urethritis
- 結石Calculus (Stones)
- 包皮Phimosis
- 早洩Premature Ejaculation
- 淋病Gonorrhea
- 腎結核Tuberculosis of The Kidney
- 腎瘤Tumor of The Kidney
- 前列腺肥大 Hypertrophy of The Prostate
- 出血Bleeding
- 內出血Internal Bleeding
- 出血斑Petechiae
- 炎症Inflammation
- 腐爛Erosion
- 手術Operation
- 切除Resection
- 移植Transplantation
- 畸形Malformation Deformation
- 疤痕Scar
- 粘著Adhesion
- 麻醉Anesthesia
- 鎮痛劑Painkiller
- 瘀傷Bruise
- 斜頸Wryneck, Torticollis
- O型腳Bowelgged
- X型腳Knock-kneed
- 扁平足Flatfoot
- 外傷Injury
- 割傷Cut
- 刺傷Puncture
- 骨折Fracture
- 捻挫Torsion
- 脫臼Dislocation
- 撞傷Contusion
- 抓傷Scratches
- 膿Pus
- 癤子Furuncle
- 頸扭傷Whiplash Injury
- 蟲咬傷Insect Bites
- 燙傷Bums
- 膿腫Abscess
- 凍傷Frost Bites
- 疝脫Hernia
- 骨膜炎Periostitis
- 骨髓炎Osteomyelitis
- 關節炎Arthritis
- 關節水腫Joint Hydropsy
- 五十肩Frozen Shoulder
- 指扭傷Sprained Finger
- 淋巴腺炎Lymphadentitis
- 潰瘍Ulcer
- 壞疸Gangrene
- 顱內出血Intracranial Hemorrhage
- 腦挫傷Cerebral Contusion
- 乳腺炎Mastitis
- 乳腺症Mastopathy
- 腱鞘炎Tendovaginitis
- 氣管Bronchus
- 肺Lung
- 咳嗽Cough
- 乾咳Dry Cough
- 有痰咳Moist Cough
- 氣喘性咳Wheezing Stridor
- 哮喘Wheeze
- 痰Sputum
- 吐血Blood-spitting
- 咯血Hemoplysis
- 背痛Back Pain
- 胸痛Chest Pain
- 氣喘Asthma
- 沙啞Hoarseness
- 聲音粗嘎Huskiness
- 感冒Common Cold
- 支氣管炎Bronchitis
- 支氣管氣喘 Bronchial Asthma
- 肺炎Pneumonia
- 肺結核 Pulmonary Tuberculosis
- 胸膜炎Pleurisy
- 肺氣腫 Plumonary Emphysema
- 肺癌Lung Cancer
- 心臟Heart
- 血管Blood Vessels
- 淋巴腺Lymph
- 心室Ventricle
- 心房Atrium
- 動脈Artery
- 靜脈Vein
- 心悸Palpitation
- 不能呼吸Short of Breath
- 心髒病Heart Attack
- 臉色蒼白Pallor of Face
- 貧血Anemia
- 水腫Puffy, Edema
- 發紺Cyanosis
- 瓣性心內膜炎
- Valvular Insufficiency
- 瓣膜性回流
- Valvular Regurgitation
- 狹心症Angina
- 心肌梗塞Myocardial Infarction
- 動脈硬化症 Arteriosclerosis
- 心臟喘息Cardiac Asthma
- 血栓症Thrormbosis
- 先天性心髒病 Congenital Heart Disease
- 心臟衰弱Heart Failure
- 心內膜炎Endocarditis
- 心肌炎Myoccarditis
- 心臟神經症 Cardiac Neurosis
- 高血壓Hypertension
- 低血壓Hypotension
- 動脈瘤Aneurysm
- 腹Abdomen
- 食道Esophagus
- 胃Stomach
- 十二指腸Duodenum
- 大腸Large Intestine
- 小腸Small Intestine
- 直腸Rectum
- 肛門Anus
- 肝臟Liver
- 胰臟Pancreas
- 膽囊Gall Bladder
- 盲腸Appendix
- 食慾Appetite
- 口渴Thirsty
- 噁心Nausea
- 嘔吐Emesis
- 心口灼熱Heartburn
- 嘔吐Vomiting
- 壓迫感Sense of Pressure
- 全腹痛General Abdominal Pain
- 吞嚥困難Difficulty in Swallowing
- 吐血Hematemesis
- 便秘Constipation
- 腹瀉Diarrhea
- 腸鳴Rumbling Sound
- 放屁Pass Gas
- 軟便Loose Stool
- 血便Bloody Stool
- 食慾不振Anorexia
- 腹部膨脹Abdominal Enlargement
- 食道癌Cancer of The Esophagus
- 胃炎Gastritis
- 胃潰瘍Gastric Ulcer
- 胃酸過多症 Hyperacidity
- 胃癌Stomach Cancer
- 十二指腸潰瘍 Duodenal Ulcer
- 腸粘膜炎Intestinal Catarrh
- 腸結核Intestinal Tuberculosis
- 腸捻轉Volvulus
- 盲腸炎Appendicitis
- 大腸炎Colitis
- 腹膜炎Peritonistis
- 痔瘡Hemorrhoids (Piles)
- 痔漏Anus Fistula
- 肝硬化Cirrhosis of The Liver
- 膽結石症Gall Stones
- 膽炎Cholecytitis
- 小腸癌Cancer of Intestine
- 腸套腸Intussusceptions
- 直腸癌Rectal Cancer
- 肛門周圍膿瘡 Perianal Abscess
- 肝炎Hepatitis
- 肝癌Cancer of The Liver
- 黃疸Jaundice
- 胰臟炎Pancreatitis
- 腦Brain
- 大腦Cerebrum
- 小腦Cerebellum
- 脊椎Soinal Cord
- 神經Nerve
- 眼花Dizziness
- 輕度頭痛Light Headaches
- 抽筋Convulsion
- 麻木Numbness
- 手抖Tremor
- 暈倒Syncope (Swooning)
- 意識喪失Unconsciousness
- 錯亂Confused or Confusion
- 意識朦朧Dazed Condition
- 興奮狀態Excited Condition
- 昏沉Drowsy
- 幻覺Illusion
- 感覺麻痺Hypoesthesia
- 四肢麻痺Paralysis
- 語言障礙Disturbance of Speech
- 視覺障礙Disturbance of Vision
- 昏迷Coma
- 神誌恍惚Delirium
- 失眠Insomnia
- 緊張Nervous
- 神經炎Neuritis
- 顏面神經麻痺 Facial Palsy
- 神經痛Neuralgia
- 助間神經痛 Intercostals
- 坐骨神經痛 Sciatica
- 腦膜炎Meningitis
- 腦缺血Cerebral Ischemia
- 腦出血Apoplexy
- 腦血栓Crerbral Thormbosis
- 腦炎Encephalitis
- 癱瘓Epllepsy
- 歇斯底里症 Hysteria
- 腦中風Stroke
- 腦瘤Brain Tumor
- 帕金森症Parkinson’s Disease
- 蛛網膜下出血 Bleeding
- 皮膚炎Dermatitis
- 接觸性皮膚炎 Contact Dermatits
- 濕疹Eczema
- 小兒濕疹Infantile Eczema
- 脂漏性濕疹 Seborrheic Eczema
- 發疹Exanthema, Rash
- 藥疹Drug eruption
- 乾燥皮膚Dry Skin
- 風疹Urticaria
- 狼瘡Lupus
- 曬傷Sunburn
- 雞眼Corn
- 雀斑Freckle
- 皮膚癌Skin Cancer
- 疣Wart
- 胎記、痣Birthmark, Nevus
- 黑痣Mole
- 狐臭Hircismus, Osmidrosis Axillae
- 脫毛症、禿 Baldness, Alopecia
- 黃癬Favus, Ringworm
- 香港腳Athletes Foot
- 牛皮癬Psoriasos
- 錢癬Ringworm, Tinea
- 紅疹Red Rash
- 瘀傷Bruise
- 脫毛Falling Out of Hair
- 玫瑰疹Roseola
- 良性瘤Benign Tumors
- 惡性腫瘤Malignant Tumors Malignancy
- 轉移Metastasis
- 癌Cancer
- 肉瘤Sarcoma
- 鼻腔Nasal Cavity
- 扁桃腺Tonsil
- 咽喉Pharyngeal Tonsil
- 小舌Uvula
- 舌Tongue
- 聲帶Vocal Cord
- 外耳External Ear
- 內耳Internal Ear
- 中耳Middle Ear
- 三半規管Semicircular Canal
- 鼓膜Ear Drum
- 流鼻血Nasal Bleeding
- 流鼻涕Running Nose
- 鼻涕Nasal Discharge
- 鼻塞Stuffed Nose
- 喉嚨痛Sore Throat
- 喉嚨癢Throat Itchy
- 聲音沙啞Hoarse Voice
- 失聲Loss of Voice
- 嗅覺不靈Can’t Distinguish Smells
- 耳分泌物Ear Discharge
- 耳痛Earache
- 耳鳴Ringing of The Ear, Tinnitus
- 聽力困難Difficulty in hearing
- 眼球Eye Ball
- 眼角膜Comea
- 鞏膜Sclear
- 虹彩Iris
- 水晶體Lens
- 瞳孔Pupil
- 網膜Retina
- 視力Visual Activity
- 視力障礙Visual disturbance
- 視力不良Poor vision
- 複視Diplopia
- 眼睛分泌物 Eye Discharge
- 眼淚Tear
- 眼臉炎Blepharitis
- 針眼Sly
- 倒睫Trichiasis
- 激管炎Lacrimal Duct
- 砂眼Trachoma
- 網膜炎Retinitis
- 網膜剝離Retina Detachment
- 青光眼Glaucoma
- 白內障Cataract
- 色盲Color Blindness
- 結膜炎Conjunctivitis
- 色膜炎Keratitis
- 視神經炎Optic Neuritis
- 鼻淚管狹窄 Obstruction of The Nose
- 斜視Squint, Cross-Eyed
- 怕光Photophobia
- 視力模糊Blurred Vision
- 眼內異物Foreign Body in The Eyes
- 齒石Calculus
- 矯正Orthodontics
- 假牙Denture
- 環鑲Veneer Crown
- 神經治療Root-Canal Treatment
- 牙套Crown
- 金牙套Gold Crown
- 磁牙套Ceramic Crown
- 填補Filling
- 門牙Incisor
- 犬齒Canine
- 臼齒Molar
- 牙齦Gum
- 精神病 Mental disorder, Psychosis
- 遺傳性精神病 Hereditary Psychosis
- 健忘症Amnesia
- 白痴Idiocy
- 狂燥Mania
- 憂鬱症Depression
- 燥鬱症Maniac Depressive
- 精神分裂症 Schizophrenia
- 精神官能症 Neurosis
- 神經衰弱 Neurasthenia
- 早產兒Premature Baby, Immature Infant
- 新生兒黑糞 Melena of The Newborn
- 脫臍Umbilical Hemia
- 新生兒黃疸 Jaundice of Newborn
- 腸炎Stomach Virus
- 腹股溝疝脫 Inguinal Hernia
- 腦炎Encephalitis
- 脫水Dehydration
- 腦膜炎Meningitis
- 夜尿症Nocturnal Enuresis
- 白喉Diphtheria
- 百日咳Pertussis
- 破傷風Tetanus
- 小兒麻痺Poliomyelitis
- 腦炎Hemophilus Influenza ‘B’
- 麻疹Measles
- 腮腺炎Mumps
- 德國麻疹Rubella
- B型肝炎Hepatitis B Vaccine
- 流行性感冒 Influenza, Flu
- 黃熱病Yellow Fever
- 狂犬病Rabies
- 麻疹Measles
- 德國麻疹German Measles
- 天花Smallpox
- 水痘Chickenpox
- 傷寒Typhoid fever
- 霍亂Cholera
- 百日咳Whopping Cough
- 鼠疫Plaque
- 猩紅熱Scarlet Fever
- 白喉Diphtheria
- 破傷風Tetanus
- 赤痢Dysentery
- 鉤蟲病Hookworm Disease
- 蟯蟲病pinworm
- 蛔蟲病ascariasis
- 條蟲病tapeworm Infestation
- 貧血Anemia
- 白血病Leukemia
- 紫斑病Purpura
- 血友病Hemophilia
- 甲狀腺腫大 Boiter
- 末端肥大症 Acromegaly
- 巨大症Gigantism
- 克興式病Cushing’s Disease
- 蒙古症Mongolism
- 阿狄森式病 Addison disease
- 腳氣病Beri-Beri
- 壞血病Scurvy
- 糖尿病Diabetes Mellitus
- 痛風Gout
- 風濕病Rheumatic Fever
- 風濕Rheumatism
- 中毒Poisoning
- 酒精中毒Alcoholism
- 一氧化碳Carbon Monoxide
- 特異體質Idiosyncrasy
- 中暑Heat Stroke
- 暈船症Motion Sickness
- 高山症Mountain Sickness
- 花粉症Hay Fever
- 血清病Serum Disease
- 初診掛號First Visit Registration
- 住院處Admission
- 出院處Discharge
- 收費處Cashier
- 預約門診Appointment
- 急診室費Emergency Room
- 住院費Room Charges
- 檢驗費Laboratory Exam
- X光費X-Ray
- 材料費Material
- 治療費Treatment
- 手術費Operation
- 麻醉費Anesthesia
- 診斷費Diagnosis
- 注射費Injection
- 護理費Nursing Care
- 特別護士費 Special Nurses
- 助理醫師費 Assistant Doctor
- 會診費Consultation
- 手術房費Operating Room
- 救護車費Ambulance
- 心電圖E.K.G.
- 腦波圖E.E.G.
- 輸血Blood Transfusion
- 血液分析費 Hemodialysis
- 健康檢查費 Physical Exam
- 病理檢查費 Pathology Exam
- 復健費Rehabilitation Therapy
- 診斷證明Certificate
- 代收費Item Collected for
- 其他Miscellaneous
- 針灸Acupuncture
- 針灸師Acupuncturist
- 針Needle
- 穴道Vital point
- 艾灸Moxibustion
- 灸法Cauterizing
- 薰法Fumigation
- 推拿Chiropractor
- 揉捏法Kneading
- 火針術Ignipuncture
- 毫針Fine Needle
- 綻針Shih Needle
- 耳針Ear Acupuncture Needle
- 三棱針Triangular Needle
- 皮肉針Staving Needle
- 梅花針Plum-Flower Needle
- 子宮Uterus
- 子宮口Cervix
- 陰道Vagina
- 月經Menstruation (Periods)
- 下腹部痛Low Abdominal Pain
- 陰道分泌物 Vaginal Discharge
- 月經週期Menstrual Cycle
- 月經痛Dysmenorrhea
- 無月經Amenorrhea
- 更年期症狀 Menopause Syndrome
- 懷孕Pregnancy
- 預產期Date of Delivery, Date Due
- 害喜Morning Sickness
- 胎兒心聲Fetal Heart Sounds
- 流產Miscarriage
- 墮胎Abortion
- 破水The Show (Mucus-Like) Membrane Rupture or Water Show
- 陣痛Labor Pains
- 早期破水Premature Rupture
- 腳抽筋Leg Cramp
- 排卵Ovulation
- 受精(胎)Conception
- 著床Implantation
- 胎兒Fetus
- 胎動Fetal Movement Quickening
- 靜脈瘤Varicose Vein
- 懷孕妊娠紋 Striations of Pregnancy
- 蛋白尿症Albuminuria
- 尿道發炎Urinary Tract Infection
- 子癇Eclampsia
- 羊水過多Polyhydramnion
- 胞狀奇胎Hydatid Mole
- 子宮外孕Ectopic Pregnancy
- 卵管懷孕Tubal Pregnancy
- 產道Birth Canal
- 直腸檢查Rectal Examination
- 陰道檢查Internal (Vaginal) Examination
- 分娩Delivery
- 生產第一期 First Stage of Labor
- 生產第二期Second Stage of Labor
- 生產第三期 Third Stage of Labor
- 子宮收縮Contraction
- 會陰切開Episiotomy
- 會陰縫合Perineorrhahy Stitch
- 產後After Birth
- 臍帶Umbilical Cord
- 胎盤Placenta
- 惡露Lochia
- 早產Premature Birth
- 死產Stillbirth
- 雙胞、多胎 Twins, Multiple Birth
- 一卵雙胞胎 Identical Twins
- 二卵性雙胞胎 Fraternal Twins
- 胎盤分離Separation of the Placenta
- 前置胎盤Placenta Praevia
- 盤捲臍帶Coiling of The Umbilical Cord
- 狹骨盤Narrow Pelvic
- 胎盤附著Adherence of The Placenta
- 卵管破裂Tubal Rupture
- 子宮破裂Uterine Rupture
- 會陰裂傷Laceration of The Perineum
- 產褥熱Puerperal Fever
- 剖腹生產Caesarean Section
- 鉗子分娩Forcepts Delivery
- 餵養母乳Breast Feeding
- 人工餵養Bottle Feeding
- 初乳Colostrums
- 新生兒Newborn Baby
- 懷孕中毒症 Toxemia of Pregnancy