以砂岩拱門聞名的猶他州「拱門國家公園」(Arches National Park)自明年起將於旺季期間要求遊客購買限時入場票才能入園。這是繼「錫安國家公園」(Zion National Park)後,猶他州第二個因為遊客增加而採取這種入場系統的國家公園。


Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune Visitors get a close up view of Delicate Arch at Arches National Park in southern Utah recently. The infrastructure of Arches National Park was created based on an annual average visitation of 75,000. The park surpassed 1 million visitors in 2010 and is steadily climbing. Officials at Arches are considering options to reduce the number of cars in the park and a shuttle system is one option. However, it would be expensive and, if visitation numbers keep going up, it could soon be obsolete.

根據統計,拱門國家公園的遊客數量於過去十年間飆升了 66%,之前還會因為人潮太洶湧,導致園方必須先暫時關閉門口好幾個小時、延緩遊客進場時間。拱門國家公園園方人員表示此舉並不是試著減少遊客,而是希望分散遊客造訪的時間。鄰近的錫安國家公園(Zion National Park)也於一週前宣布,以後想要攀登知名的「天使降臨之頂」(Angels Landing)登山道,都必須事先預約。

(Leah Hogsten | The Salt Lake Tribune) Mornings in Springdale, just outside the entrance to Zion National Park are a flurry of activity as hikers rush to board city shuttles to take them into the park, Sept. 26, 2021. Springdale, population 529, sees about 16,000 tourists a day.

未來拱門國家公園的詳細入場規定為,自明年1月3日起,四月至十月的每日早上6點至5點之間入園都需要購票,每日總共開放2,700輛車入場。如果不是在上述月份或時間入園的話,就不需要購買門票。購票網站為 recreation.gov,預約採先到先得制,每張門票2美元。旅客每次只能購得一張票,最晚在入園前一天都能購買。這項門票計畫被視為是暫時的實驗性計畫,之後可能會根據施行結果進行調整。

Published by Hyacinth 海恩斯
