天氣乾燥加上聖塔安那焚風(Santa Ana winds)吹至,加州再受野火威脅。當地電力公司警告,料超過35萬電力用戶有機會停電,百萬人受到影響。南加州不少華人聚居的爾灣市(Irvine),週一早上發生野火,至少焚燒超過11,199英畝土地,逾7.6萬人需緊急撒離,5%控制。
11,199 acres
5% containment
No structure lossSilverado, Modjeska, Trabuco Canyons along Live Oak Canyon are under evacuation warning. Evacuation orders for the Jackson Ranch & Williams Canyon. >>>
— OCFA PIO (@OCFA_PIO) October 27, 2020
?疏散指令Immediate Evacuation?
- El Toro Rd to the north
- Marguerite Pkwy to the west
- Upper Oso reservoir to the east
- Los Alisos Blvd to the south
?疏散護理和庇護中心 Evacuation Care and shelter facilities?
- Woodbridge High School: 2 Meadowbrook
- Las Lomas Community Center: 10 Federation Way
- Turtle Rock Community Center: 1 Sunnyhill, 92603
- University Community Center: 1 Beech Tree Lane
- Quail Hill Community Center: 35 Shady Canyon Dr
- Los Olivos Community Center: 101 Alfonso
- Harvard Community Center: 14701 Harvard
- Rancho Senior Center: 3 Ethel Coplen Way
疏散區需要醫療救助的任何人致電 949-529-4774.
? 詳情查看 cityofirvine.org