San Diego 的媽媽們,您還在煩惱要幫孩子報名美術夏令營? 體操營? 還是音樂營?

今年暑假請來跟Canndy老師和Kristine 老師一起歡度夏季時光~ 在這一個星期的課程內, 天天都有Kristine 老師帶著孩子享受Kindermusik的音樂活動、體能遊戲,還有愛說故事的Canndy 老師帶領孩子閱讀好書和手工勞作,來讓孩子體驗不一樣的主題。內容豐富精彩,不要錯過囉!!

  • 時間: 7.15~7.26(二個梯次) 9:00~12:00
  • 人數:每梯次僅15位 3-5歲孩童 (滿8人開班)
  • 費用:每梯次110元 (包含手工材料費和點心), 單日以30元計價
  • 手足折扣:八折優惠
  • 地點:7084 Miramar Rd. 3F
  • 報名結止:6/30 或滿班



  • 請詳細填完此報名表
  • 報名費請PAYPAL 至 (避免被扣手續費,請選FRIENDS OR FAMILY ONLY),請記得寫下您兒童的名字跟夏令營日期。
  • 收到報名費才代表報名成功喔!

另徵求義工媽媽三名, 可享學費八折優待(工作內容內洽)


  • Canndy的故事屋
  • Sun & Seed Education 親親寶貝親子教室
  • 聖地牙哥靈糧堂

[contact-form-7 id=”118496″ title=”SOFUN夏令營”]

by sending the form, you acknowledge the following:

LIABILITY WAIVER: By signing this form, I, as parent/guardian, permit the SoFun to use pictures of my child(ren) as a program participant in promotional literature, videos, and the SoFun website. I hereby give permission for my child to participate in the SoFun Summer Camp. I understand that the program has activities that can involve physical contact with other participants, the ground or equipment, and that there is a resulting risk of physical injury to my child. I have explained these risks and benefits of participating in this program to my child and my child is in proper physical condition and has no existing injuries or conditions that could jeopardize his/her safety or health, or the safety or health of the other participants.I therefore release and discharge all liability for any harm or injury suffered directly or indirectly as a result of my child’s participation in the SoFun Summer Camp, whether or not resulting from negligence, and I agree not to sue SoFun, its representatives, staff, or volunteers on any such claim. I also give permission for the staff, representative, or volunteers of SoFun to administer first aid or to seek medical care for my child during my child’s participation in the program. Parent/Guardian Signature: *



Published by 搜FUN? SOFUN!

Keep Calm & Fun On 我們的使命就是把真正的"聖地牙哥"帶給您. 大家一起san diego吃喝玩樂最道地! COVID後我們捲土重來,感謝您用點讚,轉發,捐款支持SOFUN!

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