niche網站的數據來源為美國教育部釋出的統計資料、以及數百萬條來自該網站用戶的評論。衡量指標包括加州測試分數(state test scores)、師生比(student-teacher ratio)、學生多元性(student diversity)、教師質量(teacher quality)、成績學校評分(grade school ratings)和學區的整體質量( overall quality of the school district)。
排名 | 校名 | 學區 | 2017加州最佳公立小學排名 |
#1 | Adobe Bluffs Elementary School | Poway | #37 |
#2 | Del Sur Elementary School | Poway | #38 |
#3 | Park Village Elementary School | Poway | #43 |
#4 | Creekside Elementary School | Poway | #54 |
#5 | Stone Ranch Elementary School | Poway | #55 |
#6 | Los Penasquitos Elementary School | Poway | #58 |
#7 | Deer Canyon Elementary School | Poway | #59 |
#8 | Morning Creek Elementary School | Poway | #69 |
#9 | Canyon View Elementary School | Poway | #70 |
#10 | Chaparral Elementary School | Poway | #71 |
#11 | Willow Grove Elementary School | Poway | #74 |
#12 | Sunset Hills Elementary School | Poway | #75 |
#13 | Westwood Elementary School | Poway | #76 |
#14 | Shoal Creek Elementary School | Poway | #78 |
#15 | Monterey Ridge Elementary School | Poway | #89 |
不過SOFUN小編提醒您,這份小學排行只是一個參考,在小學階段除了學業成績外,孩子能展開心胸多方嘗試、不視學習為畏途、能享有開心快樂的童年也許才是擇校之外更重要的課題。 您說是嗎?