喜歡逛博物館的朋友們最愛的好康活動又來啦!一年一度由聖地牙哥博物館理事會(San Diego Museum Council)舉辦的「The Big Exchange」,在經過兩年疫情的摧殘暫停後,今年終於回歸啦! 今年總共有35個聖地牙哥郡的博物館、花園及著名古蹟參與,只要您是任何一個參與活動博物館的會員,您就可以在5/1(Sun)到5/18(Wed)之間、持著您的會員卡及ID、告知櫃檯人員您是來參加「The Big Exchange」的活動,就可以免費進入該博物館參觀喔!!
除了5月份「The Big Exchange」活動外,每年二月份的博物館月和10月份的「Kids free in October」 也都是熱門的博物館參觀月。
小編覺得這是一個很好的機會教育,雖然大家都知道博物館是很好的學習場所,但說真的每一間博物館都要門票、一家大小的門票買下來也不便宜、在不知道孩子喜不喜歡的狀況下也不會辦理會員。而五月會員大交流活動相較於二月的半價博物館月和十月的孩子免費月來說又更划算,因為如果你有某一家的family membership的話,基於互惠原則幾乎不用再額外付費,可以免費好好體會一番,如果覺得以後會常來的話再辦理會員。小編過去已經利用「The Big Exchange」帶孩子們衝了好幾個小而美的博物館,非常划算喔!!
- Barona Cultural Center & Museum
- Birch Aquarium (僅保留有限名額給 Big Exchange 活動門票,先搶先贏,有興趣的朋友記得先上官網 Birch website 預約)
- Bonita Museum & Cultural Center
- California Center for the Arts, Escondido Museum
- California Surf Museum
- Coronado Historical Association
- Gaslamp Museum at the Davis-Horton House
- Heritage of the Americas Museum
- Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) Central
- Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) North
- JA Cooley Museum
- Japanese Friendship Garden
- Junipero Serra Museum
- La Jolla Historical Society
- La Mesa Depot
- Lemon Grove Parsonage Museum
- Living Coast Discovery Center
- Maritime Museum of San Diego
- Marston House Museum and Gardens (SOHO)
- MCRD Command Museum
- Mingei International Museum
- Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum –
- Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, La Jolla
- Museum of Making Music
- Museum of Photographic Arts
- New Americans Museum
- Pacific Southwest Railway Museum –
- San Diego African American Museum of Fine Arts
- San Diego Archaeological Center
- San Diego Automotive Museum
- San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum
- San Diego Chinese Historical Museum
- San Diego History Center
- San Diego Model Railroad Museum
- San Diego Museum of Art
- San Diego Natural History Museum (The Nat)
- The New Children’s Museum (其他博物館的會員購買新會員可額外免費享受三個月。除會員折扣促銷外,不可與其他優惠同時使用).
- Tijuana Estuary Visitor Center
- Timken Museum of Art
- USS Midway Museum (5/4除外)
- Visions Art Museum
- Whaley House Museum
- Women’s Museum of California