學好音樂需要堅實的基礎,其中包括樂理基礎,缺此不行。新學年9月開始樂理班集體課。時間周末上午9:00-9:40. 地點17506 Alva rd. Ca92127. 樂理班在周六上午9:00-9:40,如人數太多考慮其它時間。分兩個學期。一年結業后可掌握高級樂理。附加視唱練耳——訓練音樂之關鍵因素聽力,看五線譜試唱,有助打開心靈,增強樂感,幫助將來考級,考樂團視奏部分。Fall Semester 9月1至12月15,分班年齡根據報名情況。不用以樂器分班。Spring Semester 2019年1月至5月底(學費年底再付)。
為音樂普及 和學音樂沒有高低貴賤, 人人有擁有音樂的機會和權力。我新學年特別為小朋友准備大師小提琴音樂入門集體班。10人名額。請大家把握機會報名。由小提琴教育家王雪峰親自授課。
新學年學校師資隊伍壯大,學校發展欣欣向榮!向大家介紹四位high profile新老師。請大家選課。Ms Mei Yin, 鋼琴老師中央音樂學院畢業。愛心,專業,學生在MTAC 加州音樂教師協會多個Events獲獎。Mr. Anders Nelson, 黑管clarinet老師,He received his bachelor’s degree in clarinet performance from California State University, Northridge and pursued post-graduate studies in music education at California State University, Los Angeles. For ten years he conducted award-winning middle and elementary school band programs. Some of his most memorable performance activities include performing at the Super Bowl and being the director of a circus band.。Ms Lily Lazzary OVMS 老師,長笛老師。MTAC會員,one of the most reliable and trusted local teacher. Mr Chris Golinski架子鼓老師。SDSU Doctor degree of percussions. 歡迎大家選課!
希望音樂學校 ( Hope School of Music)
- 網站: www.hopemusicschool.com
- 地址: 16450 Via Esprillo, CA 92127
- 電話: 858-926-5815
- Email: stanley@hopemusicschool.com
- SOFUN優惠:第一堂課免費 (限新生)
Dear Students and Parents,The 2018-2019 academic year is around the corner, as this new harvest season, It’s the great time to start up our long time HOPE STRING ORCHESTRA again.
Our vision is to bring most individual attention to each student, to cultivate leadership, to develop friendship of making music, to provide solo concerto opportunities, to project music festivals and competitions fit our binding needs. All the rehearsal hours can be counted as community services.
The mission of the HOPE STRING ORCHESTRA is classical music training. By doing this we also can create a forum of expanded opportunities and incentives for teachers and students, inspiring the young musicians to reach their highest levels of their potential.
Our projective outlook of the orchestra is to participate the Hope School of Music musicale event. After this warm up start, we will take part in the Sound of Hope International Music Festival March 2019. We will also plan more concerts and show cases to outreach our community such as San Diego major music yearly event, senior home performance, church service performance.
The past of this orchestra has established to an international level achievements under the direction of the master music educator Mr. Xuefeng Stanley Wang. The orchestra has won the Excellent Award of MTAC VOCE Competition, the violin ensemble of the orchestra has won the First Place of Classical Music Ensemble Middle School Division of the 4th HongKong International Music Festival. It is the Leading Brand String Program in San Diego.
The director Mr. Xuefeng Stanley Wang’s superior specialty in string teaching is as follows:
Mr. Xuefeng Stanley Wang is a renowned violinist who played internationally。He graduated from the prestigious Central conservatory of China and USC. He holds an Artist Diploma from Duquesne University. His teachers are among the most internationally known pedagogy such as Shisheng Zheng and Alice Schoenfeld. His students have been the top prize winners of US competitions and international music festival. Mr. Wang held a teaching post at Shenyang Conservatory and collaborated with San Diego Symphony and San Diego Chamber Orchestra. Mr. Wang recently appeared in China CCTV4’s “The World of Chinese”. Mr. Wang was the formal chair of Southern California State MTAC VOCE Competition and the director of Music Teacher Association of California Northern San Diego Branch. His believe of love with no fear in music growth sets him a pioneer among the modern music educators. He is the founder of the Hope School of Music and the president of the none profit Hope Music Foundation. Mr. Wang also actively involve with church music ministry.
- Rehearsal Time: Sat 5:00-6:15
- Rehearsal Place: 17506 Alva Rd, San Diego, Ca92127
- Age requirement: 17 years old and under
- Concert Attire Mandatory: Girl/white long dress; Boy/white shirt, black pants
- Resgistration: Wechat ID violinmanwang
- Webesite : http://hopemusicschool.com/class-registration