聖地牙哥郡火災 火場示意圖 沿海岸線自北向南依次為Pulgas Fire, Freeway Fire, Poinsettia Fire; 沿15號公路自北向南依次為 Highway Fire, Cocos Fire, Bernardo Fire; 兩條高速公路之間自上而下依次為Tomahwak Fire, River Fire.


聖地牙哥大火(最新消息) NBC San Diego


#Cocos Fire in San Marcos:

  • 1,200 acres – 5% contained
  • Evacuations are in progress and remain in effect.

#Tomahawk Fire near Camp Pendleton:

  • 6,300 acres – 23% contained
  • Many evacuations are still in effect.

#Poinsettia Fire in Carlsbad:

#Bernardo Fire (Rancho Bernado/4S Ranch):

  • 1,548 acres – 90% contained
  • Evacuations lifted

#Pulgas Fire (Oceanside):

  • 8,000 acres – 5% contained
  • Evacuations are in progress and remain in effect.

#Freeway Fire in  Fallbrook area:

  • 60 acres – 50% contained.
  • Evacuations lifted


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